(Press release, September 2018)

Ene Bissenbakker presents the Exhibition 'Slowroom Contemporary x Ene Bissenbakker' – a series of gouache paintings on Hahnemühle paper. The exhibition taks place in Pavillion No. 11, Kronprinsessgade 11, Copenhagen. The works are highly colour saturated and some carry figurative hints of every day objects, carefully peeking through layers of gouache.

Bissenbakker’s works is centered around her relationship with paper. Though also a relic of the past, it still influences our everyday lives. Labels, receipts, contracts, school books, the Bible, the Koran, cookbooks and even constitutions are written on paper. Bissenbakker’s works exudes quiet observations of the everyday life and uses paper as the messenger. The figurative objects are hidden under layers, and the artist’s obssesive work with the surfaces of gouache distort the recognition of these familiar objects. There is an ambivalence in her work, it invites the viewer to doubt the stability of the objects and reevaluate their worth.

The thin, aqueous gouache challenges the nature of the paper and reveals the hypersensitivity of the material. Frayed edges of the paper, small damages and errors testify to a troubled process happening between the paper and the artist.

Ene Bissenbakker (1982) lives and works in Copenhagen. She is a visual artist who, besides paper, works with vido, drawing and writing. Her works are mainly centered around paper because of its fraiglty and changability. She is educated in anthropology, Visual Culrtue and Documentary Filmmaking. She has exhibited various places, including Berlin and the acclaimed Spring Exhibition in Charlottenborg, Copenhagen.