
Ene Bissenbakker (Denmark, 1982, lives and works in Copenhagen)

As a visual artist I work with different media, although I have a certain relationship with paper. Just as with the fragility of paper, the fragility between humans is the basis of all my investigation and has been always. All artworks deal with the longing for - and impossibility of - human interaction.

I have a background in Anthropology and Visual Culture, which comes across in my works. In my understanding it is a deeply rooted human trait to desperately seek connection, but also to falter when we come near each other. All of my works, one way or another, deal with these topics. Apart from the humanities studies, I have worked a great deal on collaborations as documentary film maker, writer, performance art and art festivals.

2015: Documentary film directing, Short and Documentary Film School, Copenhagen, DK
2003-2007: BA in Cultural Anthropology, Aarhus University, DK
2010-2014: MA in Visual Culture (unfinished), Copenhagne, DK
2010: Painting course at Holbæk Art School, Holbæk, DK

Selected exhibitions

2024: ‘Jeg kan “sætte mig i andres sted”’ & ‘Repair (Ghazza)’, Kunstnernes Påskeudstilling, Aarhus

2021: En Have, OTTE, Copenhagen

2021: Staring at the Sun, solo show, Magenta Gallery, Copenhagen

2021: Gul Festival, Country Town, Hygum Kunstmuseum

2018: Slowroom x Ene Bissenbakker, solo at Pavillon No. 11, Copenhagen, DK
2017: The Bath, solo at Blaa Galleri, Copenhagen, DK
2016: Group exhibition with Pete Lamberto + Filippo Pizzocchero, Space Studios, DK
2015: Homeless Gallery, Copenhagen, DK 
2015: Tirée, solo, Berlin, DE
2014: The Spring Exhibition, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, DK
2013: Bang Festival, Barcelona, ES
2013: Mongolfiere Libere Projects, Berlin, DE 

Internships & jobs

2022: Videographer for the Municipality of Copenhagen

2020-2021: Internship with artist duo Hesselholdt & Mejlvang, Copenhagen, DK
2017-2019: Videographer for Nordisk Film TV, Copenhagen, DK
2015: Production assistant for Bullitt Film, Copenhagen, DK
2014: Production assistant for video artist Marika Seidler, Copenhagen, DK
2013: Video collaboration with Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen, Copenhagen, DK
2012: Internship for sound artist Jacob Kirkegaard, Berlin, DE
2010-2015: Assistant for Liveart Performance Art Group, Berlin/Copenhagen
2011: Trailerpark Festival Copenhagen, Main curator, Copenhagen, DK
2011: Assisting at Nordic Panorama documentary film pitch forum, Aarhus, DK
2009: Assisting for Creative Time at Plot ’09, NYC, USA
2009: Researcher for the Museum of Copenhagen, DK

Other artistic practice

2023: Part of the curatorial team Magenta Gallery, Copenhagen

2016-17: Video collaboration with artist Inge Agnete Tarpgaard, CPH/Ringkøbing, DK
2016: Speaking about video art at Malmö Queer Film Festival, Malmö, SE
2015: Speaking at Pecha Kucha about independent art schooling, Copenhagen, DK
2014: Summer University, Salzburg Academie of Fine Arts with Cinéma Copains, Salzburg, AU
2013: Part of leading organisor team at feminist arts festival LadyFest, Copenhagen, DK